Progress: Choose Your Market: Turf Ornamental Progress: Select Your Target Weed: Goosegrass Poa annua Crabgrass Progress: What is your turf type? Bentgrass Cool-Season Non-Bentgrass Warm-Season Progress: Do you have herbicide resistance? No Herbicide Resistance Herbicide Resistance to Dimension, Barricade, or Pendelum Progress: Which program type do you want to learn about? Good Better Best Progress: Which application timing do you want to use? 1-Application Program 2-Application Program Progress: Select Your Target Weed: Annual Grass Annual Grass + Broadleaf Progress: Select a tank-mix partner: Dimension® 2EW Barricade® 65WG Pendulum® AquaCap Progress: Select a tank-mix partner: Gallery® SC SureGuard® SC Marengo® Progress: Your program recommendation: Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Herbicide Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Dimension® 2EW 32 oz / A 45-60 Days Later StriCore® 48 oz / A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Std Rate 45-60 Days Later StriCore® 48 oz / A 45-60 Days Later Tower® 21 oz / A 30 Days Later Tower® 21 oz / A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Dimension® 2EWor Oxadiazon G 32 oz / A3 lbs / A 45-60 Days Later StriCore® 48 oz / A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Dimension® 2EWor Oxadiazon G 32 oz / A3 lbs / A 45-60 Days Later StriCore® +Prodiamine 48 oz / A16 oz / A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Oxadiazon G 3 lbs / A 30-45 Days Later Dimension® 2EW 32 oz / A 30 Days Later StriCore® 48 oz / A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Specticle® orOxadiazon 3.5 oz / A3 lbs / A 45-60 Days Later StriCore® 48 oz / A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Specticle® orOxadiazon 3.5 oz / A3 lbs / A 45-60 Days Later StriCore® +Prodiamine 48 oz / A16 oz/A Timing Product Rate PRE Crabgrass Group 3 Std Rate 45-60 Days Later Specticle® 3.5 oz / A 30-45 Days Later Dimension® 32 oz / A 30 Days Later StriCore® 48 oz / A Timing Product Rate Mid Fall app. PRE/POST mix based on Poa resistance profile StriCore® + Specticle® FLO + Post 48 oz / A + 5 oz* Specticle® FLO / A + Post StriCore® + SureGuard® WDG + Post 48 oz / A + 6 oz SureGuard® WDG + Post StriCore® + Group 3 + Post 48 oz / A + ½ Max Label Group 3 Rate + Post Timing Product Rate Early Fall app. StriCore® orStriCore® + Group 3 48 oz / A48 oz / A + Std Rate 60 – 70 days after 1st app. PRE/POST mix based on Poa resistance profile Std Rate Timing Product Rate Late Winter StriCore® + Group 3 48 oz / A +Group 3 Std Rate Timing Product Rate Late Winter Group 3 Std Rate 45 – 60 days after 1st app. StriCore® 48 oz / A Product Rate StriCore® + 48 oz / A + Dimension® 2EW 24 oz / A + * Use higher rates for higher weed pressure Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control Second application 90-120 days after first application If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide Product Rate StriCore® + 48 oz / A + Barricade® 65WG 16 oz / A + * Use higher rates for higher weed pressure Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control Second application 90-120 days after first application If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide Product Rate StriCore® + 48 oz / A + Pendulum® AquaCap 67 oz / A + * Use higher rates for higher weed pressure Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control Second application 90-120 days after first application If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide Product Rate StriCore® + 48 oz / A + Gallery® SC 16 oz / A * Use higher rates for higher weed pressure Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control Second application 90-120 days after first application If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide Product Rate StriCore® + 48 oz / A + SureGuard® SC 6 oz / A * Use higher rates for higher weed pressure Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control Second application 90-120 days after first application If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide Product Rate StriCore® + 48 oz / A + Marengo® 7.5 oz / A * Use higher rates for higher weed pressure Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control Second application 120-150 days after first application If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide Have additional questions? Fill out the form below and a SePRO Technical Specialist will be happy to assist you: