StriCore Herbicide

Ornamental Program Recommendations

Successful Pre-Emergent Programs

  • For effective & long-lasting weed control, overlapping residual herbicides are essential.
  • Well-timed pre-emergent applications will significantly reduce the need for post-emergent treatments.
  • Use diverse modes of action to minimize the potential for herbicide resistance.
  • StriCore® tank-mixed with other pre-emergent herbicides to expand the spectrum and duration of weed control

Pre-Emergent Herbicide Programs for Annual Grass Control

Option 1

Product Rate
StriCore® +
48 oz / A +
Dimension® 2EW
24 oz / A +
* Use higher rates for higher weed pressure
Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control
Second application 90-120 days after first application
If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide

Option 2

Product Rate
StriCore® +
48 oz / A +
Barricade® 65WG
16 oz / A +
* Use higher rates for higher weed pressure
Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control
Second application 90-120 days after first application
If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide

Option 3

Product Rate
StriCore® +
48 oz / A +
Pendulum® AquaCap
67 oz / A +
* Use higher rates for higher weed pressure
Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control
Second application 90-120 days after first application
If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide

Pre-Emergent Herbicide Programs for Annual Grass + Broadleaf Control

Option 1

Product Rate
StriCore® +
48 oz / A +
Gallery® SC
16 oz / A
* Use higher rates for higher weed pressure
Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control
Second application 90-120 days after first application
If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide

Option 2

Product Rate
StriCore® +
48 oz / A +
SureGuard® SC
6 oz / A
* Use higher rates for higher weed pressure
Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control
Second application 90-120 days after first application
If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide

Option 3

Product Rate
StriCore® +
48 oz / A +
7.5 oz / A
* Use higher rates for higher weed pressure
Overlap pre-emergent herbicide residual to achieve lasting control
Second application 120-150 days after first application
If weeds have emerged, mix with a post-emergent herbicide


SKU Coverage Rate
1 gal.
2.67 Acres
48 oz / A
4 x 1 gal. case
10.67 Acres
48 oz / A

Contact Your SePRO Technical Specialist for Additional Information

Application rates listed are general range suggestions and should be adjusted based on label directions and specific site conditions. Establish specific application rates based on small-scale trial areas.

Always read and follow label directions. Not all products are labeled for all states. StriCore® is a registered trademark of SePRO Corporation. Barricade® is a registered trademark of Syngenta Group Company. Dimension® and Gallery® are registered trademarks of Corteva Agriscience. Marengo® is a registered trademark of Environmental Science U.S. LLC. Pendulum® is a registered trademark of BASF Corporation. SureGuard® is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC.